Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)

    for Solar Installation

    Organisation Details

    • Company Name:
    • Company Address:
    • Contact Name and Position:
    • Contact Phone Number:

    Solar Installation

    SWMS Details

    • Person reviewing the SWMS:
    • Signature: (Please sign here)
    • Training/ Instructions to be provided:
      • Site induction
      • Roof safety
      • Working at heights safety
      • Harness safety
    • Resources/Trades In evolved:
      Fully licensed electricians who have been inducted into an installer's safety program will be undertaking licensed
    • Engineering Details/Certificates/Work Place Health & Safety Approvals:
    • Plant/Equipment Used
      • Horizontal Lifelines
      • Anchor Points
      • Vertical Lifelines
      • Handrail
      • Walkway
      • Parapets
    • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to be used:
      • Gloves
      • Steel toe capped boots
      • fall restraints
      • Respirator where required
    • Warning Signs and Controls Measures:
    • Safety Data Sheets Required:
    • Details of Emergency Procedures:
      As per safety plan

    Project Details

    • Occupational Health Safety or Environmental Legislation:
      NSW Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 Part 4.4 falls
    • Codes and/or Standards Applicable to the Works:
      AS 1891.l • 2007: Industrial fall-arrest systems and devices • Harnesses and ancillary equipment.
      AS 1891.2 • 2001: Industrial fallarrest systems and devices • Horizontal lifeline and rail systems.
      AS 1891.3 • 1997: Industrial fall-arrest systems and devices • Fall-arrest devices
      AS 1891.4 • 2009: Industrial fall-arrest systems and devices • Selection,use and maintenance.
      AS 2210.1 • 2010: Safety, protective and occupational footwear • Guide to selection, care and use.

    Job Steps

    Risk Matrix


    • C = Consequence

      5 = Catastrophic = Fatality, permanent disability, long term widespread impacts, huge financial loss.
      4 = Major = Permanent disability or extensive injuries, medium to long term widespread impact, major financial loss.
      3 = Moderate = Lost time injury, reversible medium term local impact, high financial loss.
      2 = Minor = Medical treatment, reversible short - medium term impact to local area, medium financial loss.
      1 = Insignificant = First aid, limited impact to minimal area, low financial loss.

    • L = Likelihood

      5 = Almost Certain = It is almost certain that the risk will occur in most circumstances.
      4 = Likely = The risk is likely to occur in most circumstances.
      3 = Possible = There is uncertainty that the risk could occur.
      2 = Unilkely = The risk could occur at some time but there is confidence that it wlll not.
      1 = Rare = The impact/risk may occur only in exceptional circumstances.

    Safe Work Method Statement

    • Job Step

      Working at heights

      Potential Hazards


      • Falling from roof top
      • Falling from ladder
      • FaIIing through ceiling space


      • Trauma
      • Broken bones
      • Death

    • Controls


      Install ground-mounted solar systems


      Install scaffolding around roof top with stair access. Roofer's kit. guard rails.


      Use fall restraint techniques

      Risk Score (After Control Measures)
      High (10-15) = Permission from high level management to proceed.

      Person Responsible

    • Job Step

      Working in ceiling spaces

      Potential Hazards


      • Contact with energised conductors
      • Exposure to poor air quality such as fiberglass, coal dust, lead dust and other harmful substances
      • Exposure to loose-fill asbestos
      • Exposure to extreme heat
      • Falling. trips
      • Vermin, snakes, spiders and insects


      • Electric shocks, electrocution
      • Respiratory disease
      • Cancer
      • Mesothelioma, asbestosis
      • Exhaustion, Fatigue, Heat stress
      • Trauma, Broken bones
      • Stings, Bites and disease
      • Death
      • Skin irritation, rash, increased mucus production and watery eyes

    • Controls


      Install ground-mounted solar systems avoiding the need to work in a ceiling space


      Turn off all electricity to the property at the main switchboard and take steps to prevent the electricity from being turned back on while work is in progress*


      Wearing appropriate, well maintained and correctly fitted personal protective equipment when working in dusty ceiling spaces including:
      • A respirator
      • A head covering and goggles to avoid eye irritation
      • Long-sleeved loose-fitting clothing and gloves

      Risk Score (After Control Measures)
      High (10-15) = Permission from high level management to proceed.

      Person Responsible

    • Job Step

      Working with and installing electrical equipment

      Potential Hazards


      • Contact with energised conductors
      • Accidental short circuit


      • Electric Shocks, electrocution
      • Arc flash. Burns
      • Death

    • Controls


      Lockout Tagout. Test for de-energised (DEAD) Do not work energised


      Current LVR/CPR training


      Wear arc-rated neck to wrist to ankle clothing with a minimum ATPV of 4calm2.
      Wear protective glasses and gloves

      Risk Score (After Control Measures)
      Moderate (4·9) = Permission from worker in charge to proceed.

      Person Responsible

    • Job Step

      Working outdoors

      Potential Hazards


      • Exposure to the sun


      •Sun burn, skin cancer
      •Exhaustion.fatigue. Heat stress

    • Controls


      Reorganising work schedules where possible so that outdoor tasks are done before 10 am and after 3 pm.


      Rotating tasks that involve direct sun exposure increasing amount of shade available - use gazebos.


      Slip on clothing. slop on SPF 30+ sunscreen, slap on a hat slide on sunglasses. Drink plenty of water

      Risk Score (After Control Measures)
      Moderate (4·9) = Permission from worker in charge to proceed.

      Person Responsible

    • Job Step

      Work involves or is likely to involve disturbing asbestos

      Potential Hazards


      • Inhalation of asbestos fibres


      • Mesothelioma, asbestosis or cancer

    • Controls


      Do not proceed with job until asbestos-containing material removed by licenced contractors.


      Replace asbestos switchboard with new upgraded switchboard. Follow safe working procedures

      Risk Score (After Control Measures)
      High (4·9) = Permission from high level management to proceed.

      Person Responsible

    • Job Step:
    • Potential Hazards:
    • Controls:
    • Risk Score (After Control Measures)
    • Person Responsible
    • Job Step:
    • Potential Hazards:
    • Controls:
    • Risk Score (After Control Measures)
    • Person Responsible


    I have been consulted and assisted in developing the work method statements which apply to my work activities. I will comply with its safe work practice.


    • Name:
    • Position/Trade:
    • Date:
    • Signature: (Please sign here)
    • Name:
    • Position/Trade:
    • Date:
    • Signature: (Please sign here)
    • Name:
    • Position/Trade:
    • Date:
    • Signature: (Please sign here)
    • Name:
    • Position/Trade:
    • Date:
    • Signature: (Please sign here)
    • Name:
    • Position/Trade:
    • Date:
    • Signature: (Please sign here)